Friday, August 27, 2010


Here, another quotes ^^

"The greatest pain isn't when you've got a lot of problems - but when you couldn't solve them..."
Yes. That also rises me up when I have lot of problems. Actually I got this from a novel, and I type it down by my own words. That's totally inspiring me. For an explaining, we do not really have any problems. We don't. What makes you feel like it - is our feeling. The greatest pain we have, the sadness that would hurt us or even kill us - that's not all yet. What's the worst thing of them all? If we can't even find a way to break free.

"The greatest loss isn't when you lost everyone you love - but when you couldn't keep your love for them and take them back to you..."
It's strongly related to the first quote. That was just coming into my mind. When we think we've lost everyone we love, and we guess no one loves us - then what we do is just sitting down on our bed and cry. Will they ever back to you ? No. What we can do is only take them back to us.
But if they're totally gone? Think.. find another. We can't just stay in our sadness. And remember, look up. Look above you. There's the only love that'll never vanished. :)

I'll think another quotes for this blog.
I'm so sorry.... -,- I didn't mean to give advices... I'm just cheering myself up.


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