Friday, August 27, 2010


In all these days I feel.... lovely to make quotes :)
I don't know why, but I make quotes to cheer myself up and to cheer everyone who feel the same as me.
Sometimes my quotes aren't about my feeling, but they just came up to mind :)
I indeed got much time to think out the best phrases to express what I want to say, but when I finished, tweet it and read it once again, I feel so proud with no reason.
That's why I love it.
Once again, I make quotes on twitter. I hope someday people read my quotes and they follow me, RT my quotes. I hope people cheered up because of my quotes.
Here are my quotes I made yesterday and today :

"The closer to get something, the tougher to see it."
well I got this from a song.

"One thing I wouldn't ever wish to face - that everything's keep changing..."
It's not for cheering up. It's about my feeling.

"Changes are like a bus moves so fast while we're so far behind - keep pursuing it..."
It continues the earlier quote.

"Smile is the strongest love that we give to others..."
It is for me and everyone. I would like to say - with just one pure smile, people know that we care for them, and they'll smile back - we care each other, and a smile is a gift to others.

"How's today, is not the point. But how's the plan for tomorrow..."
I always cheer up myself by saying these words. Sometimes I got problems today, then I started to think hard about it. But I've realized, that's not the point. I don't need to think what happened today, but what am I gonna do tomorrow, to make everything better and always getting better everyday.

That's enough for now, I still have many of them.
They're a be continued.


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